Saturday, May 21, 2011


     Most corporations can't wait to advertise their goodwill.  But the teclom industry would seem to be bucking this trend.  They are arguably the biggest planet savers on the globe, and yet, curiously, no one has seemed to notice, least of all, them.

     Let's look at the track record....

     Tablets -- really souped up e-books -- are saving more trees than Monsanto's anti-blight, counter-insect-insurgency genetic hybrids.  With a lot less controversy, I might add.

     Googling whatever from your cell phone means... that many less trips to the library - or whoever might have that hallowed information locked inside their heads.  The reduction in the carbon footprint alone might offset whatever China's up to.

     Apps for positively everything also means you have a way of managing your hectic life that a) keeps you employed another day by allowing you to do more in less time, while building social networks that can possibly catch you during the next market crash. That would make telcoms social activists second to none, helping to buck the trend of ever-greater joblessness by the day as we trend towards what Rifkin calls The End of Work - admittedly in a far less sanguine manner.

b) apps served up by telcoms grow your mindpower in ways that allow you to join the groundswell of planet savers, unleashing solutions on the world that now crosses boundaries of eco-consciousness, transhumanism, cultural diasporas, hell, embracing your inner-alien -- all courtesy of that souped up mind power.  

     Telcoms therefore are the hub of planet-saving activity - of all kinds; the nexus for activists everywhere. All while sitting dutifully impartial as to how to save the world, or what saving the world means. Merely putting those save-the-world people together.

     In a typically dunderheaded manner, however, signaling a return to old-school corporate methodologies that require falling over their own feet... Some have elected to "get religion" and brag about their recyclable phones, made, better yet, from recyclable materials.  How closed-minded of them. How, "You just missed the bus, buddy, headed for the real brand overhaul to end all brand overhauls down the advertiser's wet-dream parkway."  Sigh...

      And what will the future bring for telcoms?

     As the hub of global interconnectedness via the world wide web moves from something you hold in your hands to something you connect your mind to seamlessly, via a chip in your forearm possibly (some place less controversial than your brain, anyway)... they will also offer up the single best remedy to the ascent of A.I.  You know, the age of robots.  Or of Mother... the internet grown sentient.  That globally dispersed uber-intellect for which we are mere vassals.

     They are thus the engines driving any and all versions of a sustainable future.  And yet such curious humility on the subject.  Perhaps that too signals a more enlightened era for corporations.  One in which the fascist command and control economy that was the typical 20th century corporation gives way to uber-minds of yet another kind; interlinking all those whom they serve in a shared consciousness second to none. All while empowering diversity of thought.

     Yep, as salvation goes, they may be the closest thing to the second coming.

     And maybe that's the real reason they've decided to keep all this low key.

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